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PowerfulTable 组件

由于是使用 ssr 模式,示例组件源码中为了能成功构建,使用了 import('XXX'),复制源码时自行修改为 import xxx from 'xxx'


传递 api 用法

  • pageNoKey、pageSizeKey 作为请求参数传递给后端接口。 例如大部分的列表请求接口中 请求参数 格式如下:
  pageNo: number // 页数
  pageSize: number // 条数
  pageNo: number // 页数
  pageSize: number // 条数
  • 假设接口请求参数 页数 属性名为 pageNum 那么你就需要在 list-request 中将 pageNoKey 改为 pageNum条数 则改变 pageNoKey 属性名。
      pageNoKey: 'pageNum',

<script lang="ts" setup>
import axios from 'axios';
import { useBasicTableData } from './index';
const { headers } = useBasicTableData();
const listQuery = reactive({
  name: '',
const listApi = (params: any) =>'api/list', params);
      pageNoKey: 'pageNum',

<script lang="ts" setup>
import axios from 'axios';
import { useBasicTableData } from './index';
const { headers } = useBasicTableData();
const listQuery = reactive({
  name: '',
const listApi = (params: any) =>'api/list', params);
  • responseKey 作为定义请求后响应数据结构的属性名。 例如 axios 请求接口中 响应参数 格式如下:
ts'http://localhost:5173/api/list', params)
.then((res => {
   * res: {
   *   config: {...}
   *   // data 中为接口返回参数,此处仅用作者经常使用格式
   *   data: {
   *    code: 200,
   *    message: ''
   *    result: {
   *      pageNo: 1
   *      pageSize: 10
   *      rows: [{...}, {...}]
   *      total: 2
   *    }
   *   }
   *   headers: {...}
   *   request: {...}
   *   status: 200
   *   statusText: ''
   * }
}))'http://localhost:5173/api/list', params)
.then((res => {
   * res: {
   *   config: {...}
   *   // data 中为接口返回参数,此处仅用作者经常使用格式
   *   data: {
   *    code: 200,
   *    message: ''
   *    result: {
   *      pageNo: 1
   *      pageSize: 10
   *      rows: [{...}, {...}]
   *      total: 2
   *    }
   *   }
   *   headers: {...}
   *   request: {...}
   *   status: 200
   *   statusText: ''
   * }
  • 那么 responseKey 则为 'data.result'listsKey 则为 'rows'totalKey'total'

也可以在全局注入 list-request 相应参数,则之后可以不用再组件上传递 list-request

查看 list-request 默认值






下拉框: filters 属性类型为 array 或者 type 属性类型为 switch
时间段选择: filtersType 属性为 date
输入框: filtersType 属性为 input

过滤规则 多个过滤时数据与其中一条匹配则显示




使用 empty 插槽显示空数据,也可以在 app.use 时注入

import Empty from './empty.vue'
// ...

app.use(PowerfulTable, {
  emptyElement: Empty,
import Empty from './empty.vue'
// ...

app.use(PowerfulTable, {
  emptyElement: Empty,



import { toRefs, ref, onMounted, markRaw, onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
import type { PowerfulTableHeader } from 'el-plus-powerful-table-ts';
import { ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus/es';
import { Edit } from '@element-plus/icons-vue';
import { setData } from 'el-plus-powerful-table-ts/es';

type Lists = {
  id?: number;
  name?: string;
  engine?: string;
  manufacturer?: string;
  manufacturerHref?: string;
  icon?: string;
  brand?: string;
  createTime?: null | string;
  price?: string | number;
  switchVal?: number;
  tag?: (number | string)[] | string;
  rate?: number;
  content?: string;
  videoUrl?: string;
  imageUrl?: string;
  href?: string;
  cd?: Lists[];
  data?: string;
  driveType?: string;
  engineLocation?: string;
  [s: string]: any;

const lists: Lists[] = [
    id: 1,
    brand: 'Audi',
    engine: '4.0T 600马力 V8',
    manufacturer: 'Audi Sport',
    manufacturerHref: '',
    name: 'RS 7 Sportback',
    href: '',
    icon: 'viteaodi',
    price: 146.48,
    switchVal: 1,
    tag: ['red', 'gray'],
    rate: 4.5,
      '奥迪RS7概念车是由一位来自奥地利的设计者设计出来的,该车的车身外观融合了奥迪旗下多款车型的风格。 其侧面车身以及车位的设计与奥迪R8的设计十分相似,而汽车门则采用了兰博基尼经典的剪刀门设计方式。 2013北美(底特律)国际车展于14日开幕,奥迪全新RS7在车展上正式亮相并发布。',
    imageUrl: '',
    data: '2021-12-12',
    driveType: '4',
    engineLocation: '前置',
    id: 2,
    brand: 'BMW',
    engine: '4.4T 625马力 V8',
    manufacturer: 'BMW',
    manufacturerHref: '',
    name: 'BMW 8 Series',
    href: '',
    icon: 'vitebaoma',
    price: 196.8,
    switchVal: 0,
    tag: ['white', 'red'],
    rate: 4.5,
      '宝马M8(BMW M8)是宝马旗下的顶级跑车,采用M部门为其量身打造的4.4T V8双涡轮增压引擎,最大功率可达625马力,峰值扭矩750牛米。这台引擎可以让1.9吨的大家伙在3.2秒内完成0-100加速。M,在宝马车系中代表顶级性能版。',
    imageUrl: '',
    data: '2022-01-01',
    driveType: '4',
    engineLocation: '前置',
    id: 3,
    brand: 'Audi',
    engine: '5.2L 620马力 V10',
    manufacturer: 'Audi Sport',
    manufacturerHref: '',
    name: 'R8 V10 performance',
    href: '',
    icon: 'viteaodi',
    price: 232.36,
    switchVal: 1,
    tag: ['blue'],
    rate: 5,
      '奥迪R8(Audi R8)是一款中置引擎双座跑车,由德国汽车制造商奥迪于2006年推出,极速达316km/h。奥迪R8是奥迪量产的首款中置引擎超级跑车,基于兰博基尼Gallardo的开发平台,融合了奥迪在多个运动赛事中取胜的经验,技术以及突破传统观念的完美设计。强劲的V8和V10发动机、全时四轮驱动系统和奥迪全铝车身空间框架结构,赋予了奥迪R8出众的动力性能,以及在赛道和公路上的卓越表现。',
    imageUrl: '',
    data: '2021-12-12',
    driveType: '4',
    engineLocation: '前置',
    id: 4,

const useBasicTableData = () => {
  const headers = ref<PowerfulTableHeader<Lists>[]>([
      label: '编号', //显示的标题
      width: 60,
      props: {
        prop: 'id',
      label: '制作厂', //显示的名称
      headerAlign: 'left',
      props: [
          type: 'href',
          prop: 'manufacturerHref',
          text: '厂商:',
          data: setData<'href', Lists>({
            text: (row: any) => row.manufacturer,
            property: {
              underline: true,
          prop: 'icon',
          type: 'iconfont',
          text: '车标:',
          data: setData<'iconfont', Lists>({
            class: 'viteIcon',
            style: {
              height: '40px',
              lineHeight: '40px',
              fontSize: '40px',
      label: '名称', //显示的名称
      headerAlign: 'left',
      width: 200,
      props: [
          text: '品牌:',
          prop: 'brand',
          render: (h, row) =>
              `${row.brand}${{ Audi: '奥迪', BMW: '宝马' }[row.brand!]})`
          type: 'href',
          prop: 'href',
          text: '型号:',
          data: setData<'href', Lists>({
            text: (row) =>!,
      label: '图片', //显示的标题
      props: [
          type: 'image',
          prop: 'imageUrl',
          data: setData<'image', Lists>({
            style: {
              borderRadius: '10px',
            property: ({ row, index, props }) => {
              return {
                // src: ',230866778&fm=193&f=GIF',
      label: '售价', //显示的标题
      props: [
          text: '收藏:',
          prop: 'switchVal',
          type: 'switch',
          data: setData<'switch', Lists>({
            property: {
              inactiveValue: 0,
              activeValue: 1,
          prop: 'price',
          type: 'input',
          data: setData<'input', Lists>({
            slot: 'append',
            symbol: '万',
            style: { width: '100%' },
            property({ row, index, props }) {
              return {
                placeholder: '售价',
      label: '发动机名称', // 此标题不会显示,因为配置了 自定义表头 headerSlotName
      width: 200,
      headerAlign: 'left',
      isShowOrFilterColumn: false,
      props: [
          type: 'text',
          prop: 'engine',
          text: '发动机:',
          filters: (row) => row.engine!,
          type: 'rate',
          prop: 'rate',
          text: '评 分:',
          data: setData<'rate', Lists>({
            property: {
              disabled: false,
      label: '宣传视频', //显示的标题
      width: 200,
      isShowOrFilterColumn: 'show',
      defaultShow: false,
      props: {
        prop: 'videoUrl',
        type: 'video',
        data: setData<'video', Lists>({
          style: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '117px',
            borderRadius: '10px',
            overflow: 'hidden',
            border: '1px solid #ccc',
          property: ({ row }) => ({
            poster: row.imageUrl,
            controls: true,
      label: '简介', //显示的标题
      width: '300px',
      isShowOrFilterColumn: 'filter',
      props: [
          prop: 'content',
          type: 'text',
          data: setData<'text', Lists>({
            develop: true,
            line: 2,
      label: '操作', //显示的标题
      width: 250,
      fixed: 'right',
      isShowOrFilterColumn: false,
      props: [
          type: 'btn',
          prop: 'btn',
          data: setData<'btn', Lists>([
              tip: '编辑按钮',
              params: {
                emit: 'update',
              beforeClick({ row, index, btnIndex, props, params }, resolve) {
                ElMessageBox.confirm('正在进行修改操作,确认要修改?', '提示', {
                  confirmButtonText: 'OK',
                  cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
                  type: 'warning',
                }).then(() => {
              property: {
                type: 'info',
                icon: markRaw(Edit),
                text: '更多',
                isMore: true,
                property: {
                  icon: markRaw(Edit),
                text: '删除',
                params: 'remove',
                property: {
                  type: 'danger',
                  icon: markRaw(Edit),

  return {

export { useBasicTableData, Lists };
import { toRefs, ref, onMounted, markRaw, onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
import type { PowerfulTableHeader } from 'el-plus-powerful-table-ts';
import { ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus/es';
import { Edit } from '@element-plus/icons-vue';
import { setData } from 'el-plus-powerful-table-ts/es';

type Lists = {
  id?: number;
  name?: string;
  engine?: string;
  manufacturer?: string;
  manufacturerHref?: string;
  icon?: string;
  brand?: string;
  createTime?: null | string;
  price?: string | number;
  switchVal?: number;
  tag?: (number | string)[] | string;
  rate?: number;
  content?: string;
  videoUrl?: string;
  imageUrl?: string;
  href?: string;
  cd?: Lists[];
  data?: string;
  driveType?: string;
  engineLocation?: string;
  [s: string]: any;

const lists: Lists[] = [
    id: 1,
    brand: 'Audi',
    engine: '4.0T 600马力 V8',
    manufacturer: 'Audi Sport',
    manufacturerHref: '',
    name: 'RS 7 Sportback',
    href: '',
    icon: 'viteaodi',
    price: 146.48,
    switchVal: 1,
    tag: ['red', 'gray'],
    rate: 4.5,
      '奥迪RS7概念车是由一位来自奥地利的设计者设计出来的,该车的车身外观融合了奥迪旗下多款车型的风格。 其侧面车身以及车位的设计与奥迪R8的设计十分相似,而汽车门则采用了兰博基尼经典的剪刀门设计方式。 2013北美(底特律)国际车展于14日开幕,奥迪全新RS7在车展上正式亮相并发布。',
    imageUrl: '',
    data: '2021-12-12',
    driveType: '4',
    engineLocation: '前置',
    id: 2,
    brand: 'BMW',
    engine: '4.4T 625马力 V8',
    manufacturer: 'BMW',
    manufacturerHref: '',
    name: 'BMW 8 Series',
    href: '',
    icon: 'vitebaoma',
    price: 196.8,
    switchVal: 0,
    tag: ['white', 'red'],
    rate: 4.5,
      '宝马M8(BMW M8)是宝马旗下的顶级跑车,采用M部门为其量身打造的4.4T V8双涡轮增压引擎,最大功率可达625马力,峰值扭矩750牛米。这台引擎可以让1.9吨的大家伙在3.2秒内完成0-100加速。M,在宝马车系中代表顶级性能版。',
    imageUrl: '',
    data: '2022-01-01',
    driveType: '4',
    engineLocation: '前置',
    id: 3,
    brand: 'Audi',
    engine: '5.2L 620马力 V10',
    manufacturer: 'Audi Sport',
    manufacturerHref: '',
    name: 'R8 V10 performance',
    href: '',
    icon: 'viteaodi',
    price: 232.36,
    switchVal: 1,
    tag: ['blue'],
    rate: 5,
      '奥迪R8(Audi R8)是一款中置引擎双座跑车,由德国汽车制造商奥迪于2006年推出,极速达316km/h。奥迪R8是奥迪量产的首款中置引擎超级跑车,基于兰博基尼Gallardo的开发平台,融合了奥迪在多个运动赛事中取胜的经验,技术以及突破传统观念的完美设计。强劲的V8和V10发动机、全时四轮驱动系统和奥迪全铝车身空间框架结构,赋予了奥迪R8出众的动力性能,以及在赛道和公路上的卓越表现。',
    imageUrl: '',
    data: '2021-12-12',
    driveType: '4',
    engineLocation: '前置',
    id: 4,

const useBasicTableData = () => {
  const headers = ref<PowerfulTableHeader<Lists>[]>([
      label: '编号', //显示的标题
      width: 60,
      props: {
        prop: 'id',
      label: '制作厂', //显示的名称
      headerAlign: 'left',
      props: [
          type: 'href',
          prop: 'manufacturerHref',
          text: '厂商:',
          data: setData<'href', Lists>({
            text: (row: any) => row.manufacturer,
            property: {
              underline: true,
          prop: 'icon',
          type: 'iconfont',
          text: '车标:',
          data: setData<'iconfont', Lists>({
            class: 'viteIcon',
            style: {
              height: '40px',
              lineHeight: '40px',
              fontSize: '40px',
      label: '名称', //显示的名称
      headerAlign: 'left',
      width: 200,
      props: [
          text: '品牌:',
          prop: 'brand',
          render: (h, row) =>
              `${row.brand}(${{ Audi: '奥迪', BMW: '宝马' }[row.brand!]})`
          type: 'href',
          prop: 'href',
          text: '型号:',
          data: setData<'href', Lists>({
            text: (row) =>!,
      label: '图片', //显示的标题
      props: [
          type: 'image',
          prop: 'imageUrl',
          data: setData<'image', Lists>({
            style: {
              borderRadius: '10px',
            property: ({ row, index, props }) => {
              return {
                // src: ',230866778&fm=193&f=GIF',
      label: '售价', //显示的标题
      props: [
          text: '收藏:',
          prop: 'switchVal',
          type: 'switch',
          data: setData<'switch', Lists>({
            property: {
              inactiveValue: 0,
              activeValue: 1,
          prop: 'price',
          type: 'input',
          data: setData<'input', Lists>({
            slot: 'append',
            symbol: '万',
            style: { width: '100%' },
            property({ row, index, props }) {
              return {
                placeholder: '售价',
      label: '发动机名称', // 此标题不会显示,因为配置了 自定义表头 headerSlotName
      width: 200,
      headerAlign: 'left',
      isShowOrFilterColumn: false,
      props: [
          type: 'text',
          prop: 'engine',
          text: '发动机:',
          filters: (row) => row.engine!,
          type: 'rate',
          prop: 'rate',
          text: '评 分:',
          data: setData<'rate', Lists>({
            property: {
              disabled: false,
      label: '宣传视频', //显示的标题
      width: 200,
      isShowOrFilterColumn: 'show',
      defaultShow: false,
      props: {
        prop: 'videoUrl',
        type: 'video',
        data: setData<'video', Lists>({
          style: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '117px',
            borderRadius: '10px',
            overflow: 'hidden',
            border: '1px solid #ccc',
          property: ({ row }) => ({
            poster: row.imageUrl,
            controls: true,
      label: '简介', //显示的标题
      width: '300px',
      isShowOrFilterColumn: 'filter',
      props: [
          prop: 'content',
          type: 'text',
          data: setData<'text', Lists>({
            develop: true,
            line: 2,
      label: '操作', //显示的标题
      width: 250,
      fixed: 'right',
      isShowOrFilterColumn: false,
      props: [
          type: 'btn',
          prop: 'btn',
          data: setData<'btn', Lists>([
              tip: '编辑按钮',
              params: {
                emit: 'update',
              beforeClick({ row, index, btnIndex, props, params }, resolve) {
                ElMessageBox.confirm('正在进行修改操作,确认要修改?', '提示', {
                  confirmButtonText: 'OK',
                  cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
                  type: 'warning',
                }).then(() => {
              property: {
                type: 'info',
                icon: markRaw(Edit),
                text: '更多',
                isMore: true,
                property: {
                  icon: markRaw(Edit),
                text: '删除',
                params: 'remove',
                property: {
                  type: 'danger',
                  icon: markRaw(Edit),

  return {

export { useBasicTableData, Lists };

Released under the MIT License.